The End of Trauma Course

Re-Sync Your Psychology

Underneath stress, overwhelm, and trauma is a biology out of sync, but ready to heal—safely and naturally. Get proven practices that re-sync your biology & experience this for yourself in the 10-week, online End of Trauma Course. 

A new cohort of the End of Trauma Course begins January 5, 2025.

Join the waitlist now and be among the first to hear when registration opens.


Through no fault of our own, and over a long period of millenia, our biology has been hijacked by the focus on what’s wrong—including the focus on “trauma.” Biologically this preserves our life, but limits our growth. It keeps us stuck. 

How do we overcome this trend of our biology?

The End of Trauma™ Course brings a necessary shift in how we understand healing and change. Grounded in compassion and the science of positive reinforcement, this new paradigm provides a step-by-step mapping of how we—our biological being and nervous system—heals and grows. 

This course was developed by international expert in trauma and post-trauma growth, Steven Hoskinson, and founder of Organic Intelligence® (OI). You'll work directly with Steve and a team of OI-trained coaches and therapists. With their support, you will experience real and lasting growth, in body and mind, just as thousands around the world have.

Your System Knows How to Heal and Grow


Designed by Nature 

Research, like the ACEs study, shows that underneath anxiety, depression, panic and other physical symptoms lies trauma. Underneath trauma is a biology out of sync, but ready to heal—safely and naturally.

In the End of Trauma Course you’ll get proven practices that sync your biology and move you from states of trauma, anxiety, and stuckness to states of growth, ease, enjoyment, and enhanced capacity.

Step-by-step you'll discover your own healing flow by doing the things your nervous system was designed to do, what it WANTS to do.


"In a million years, I wouldn’t have guessed that an online course called the End of Trauma would be so life-changing. Having lifetime access to these resources and community means the learning and growing never have to stop."

Breon M., EOTC Alumni

Who is the End of Trauma Course for?

  • People whose symptoms haven't been understood and who want to learn (and experience) how lasting change happens
  • Activists who want to learn resilience skills so they can help others who may be on the edge of burn out, without burning out themselves 
  • Those who are considering (or in the midst of ) a significant life transition (work, home, relationship) and seeking clarity around what really matters
  • Therapists and coaches who want to experientially understand the somatic aspects of trauma and Post-Trauma Growth (PTG), while also growing their own resiliency
  • Educators, parents and partners who tend and care for others get tools for inner resilience
  • Those who want to make meditation a more integrated part of life and get practices and support for having less 'noise' in the biology
  • Those who want to personally experience OI before enrolling in the OI Coach Certification program.
  • This is for Post-Trauma Growth – and is not for people who are in current, acute crisis, or who are disabled by trauma or mental health issues. For individual, personal support,  including from licensed and advanced OI Coaches and therapists, go to the OI Directory: 

What's Included in the End of Trauma Course?

Organic Intelligence is a framework and a perspective—a way of seeing and understanding how we heal and grow. It is based on the new science of network systems, clinical psychology, contemplative practice, and neuroscience. Each step is clear, carefully lined out, and is developed by OI Founder Steve Hoskinson—your teacher for the Course.

Daily, neurobiological "state-shift" meditations help ease your neurobiology into growth patterns of nervous system states. This "state shift" process helps your system work better, and incorporates the organizing information that help us learn and grow. These are known as Strategic Use of Perception (SUP) practices. Listen as Steve guides you through the channels in which you experience the world: Image, Sensation, Orientation, Meaning, and Affect (ISOMA). The point however, is that we learn how to do this ourselves: how to tune into those channels of support from our biology, understanding how they hold the key to resilience. Bonus meditations for sleep, pain, surgery, and many more are included. Downloadable, these will go with you and grow with you.

Get direct teachings from Steve on WHY and HOW we look to our biology for real growth and change. We know that our systems heal naturally. Learn how to use and sequence the tools that prime for your personal bandwidth growth. More bandwidth means less confusion, more ease in processing emotions, access to intuition, and better focus. Incremental, digestible steps in the End of Trauma Course signal safety to your system, and build the body and brain connections for real system change. You will learn your own biology's language and, with the help of the OI Maps, you’ll know how to better understand and support the natural emergence of healing.

In weekly live coaching get personal guidance & feedback on how to fine-tune the course to your situation. Questions can be submitted beforehand or ask your question live. 

Weekly live group Coaching calls are offered twice a week.

  Join in once a week or twice a week -- join as often as you'd like!

In addition, all live Coaching calls are recorded and will be available in your course within 24 hours of the live call, contributing to your lifetime access of tools, resources, and support

If you're not able to attend a coaching session live, but have a question you'd like to ask, you can email your question in beforehand to be included in the live call. 

"The Job is Enjoyment" is a 200+ Page EOTC Workbook with specially OI-designed Daily Morning & Evening Practices.

The workbook gives you all the tools, support and guidance to integrate Organic Intelligence (OI) into your daily life - with ease and clarity.

Each day you build the neural pathways to your inherent wellbeing through OI exercises, story-telling, evening reflections, evocative images, quotes, and inspirations that speak compassion to your system at both the conscious and implicit levels. 

This comprehensive Workbook has tools and information you will use in your life, for the rest of your life. In only minutes a day you will come to experience your inner world in a new, more alive, re-synced way. 

In weekly informational webinars, learn the science and theory behind each week's focus.

The webinars are pre-recorded and available in your course at the beginning of each week as a priming for the week ahead. Watch the weekly webinar as best suits your schedule. 

The journey is more enjoyable together! Connect with fellow EOTC cohort members, the OI team and OI coaches in your intentional and private online social platform for EOTC. It's free of distractions and dedicated to your exploration throughout these 10 weeks. 

Curious what you'll be exploring in the End of Trauma Course? Click HERE for a Week by Week Summary.

Growing our bandwidth can take some time. When you enroll in EOTC, you get lifetime access to the course. You'll also get free access to any future updates to the course. EOTC is yours to come back to, and grow with, again and again.

It is the OI growth pattern: grow, rest & integrate, grow. We grow in EOTC, then rest & integrate it, then come back and grow more. It's the organic path of real system change found here in EOTC.  

As an EOTC Alum, you'll be invited to sync up and join together with other EOTC Alum members in each new round of the course. During future rounds, you'll also be invited to participate in weekly live group coaching in the EOTC Alum community—all for free.

The End of Trauma Course comes with a full 30-day, money back guarantee from the start of the course — so don't hesitate to join. 

Refund eligibility expires October 10, 2023 | 5pm PDT.

"This course has been such a potent key to unlocking my access to presence and joy! I have intellectually understood certain concepts, but with this course I have had direct experiences with presence, ease, beauty of life and feeling alive. Thank you!"

Danella Durieux, EOTC Alumni

Our Nature

When it’s organic, in harmony with our biology, effortlessness becomes transformational. Solid science is behind everything in OI, and is taught in digestible, daily videos. Try this sample of one of the INFO videos. It is from Week 7, ”Affect Week" (4:54).


The Path to Post-Trauma Growth

You already know how to heal. Maybe even more than you do, however, your own being wants you to grow, and do more, do better, and feel better.

This is our birthright—not “processing” trauma or the past, but rather the remarkable ability to grow our processing capacity (bandwidth).

We become more ourselves when we have more bandwidth. We feel our humanness, and the interconnectedness that arises spontaneously from our pre-existent wholeness.

Experience the path of Post-Trauma Growth and how ease-fully and naturally real change can happen.

Get Access to Exclusive OI Resources - for a Lifetime!

  • Lifetime Access to the End of Trauma Course, including any future updates
  • Free Weekly LIVE Group Coaching in future rounds of the course with trained OI Coaches and Therapists
  • The End of Trauma Online Community. Connect with EOTC members, share experiences, support each other, and grow in the OI community.
  • BONUS: “Nerd Out” videos that scratch your neuroscience itch

  • BONUS: “State Shift" meditation downloads

  • BONUS: Educational Video: “Working with Children”

  • BONUS Webinar Videos: "Art & Science: Freeze and Polyvagal Theory," "Evolution of the Human Image Channel"  
  • BONUS INFO Videos to help tune the vehicle of your biology

  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Deduct the full EOTC cost from tuition upon enrollment in the Organic Intelligence Coach Certification (OICC) program


"I can't contain this love burst for your program. It is the only therapeutic map I have found that encompasses and enriches all of the experiences that I have found most useful and helpful in life. There's so much to learn and explore around this, but I just wanted to say thank you."

Matthew Fogarty, Counselor, and Author of "A Place-Based Guide to Wonder"


Thank you so much. I feel that this course is a landmark in my evolving as a human being. I still have a lot to integrate but it has been already a life saving process for me. Thank you ever so much!

Sofia Figueiredo, EOTC Alumni


"This work has totally transformed my life. I have new insights and experiences into joy, curiosity, ease, and simple pleasures of being alive that I did not know were possible. Highly recommended to anyone who wants to increase the effectiveness of their healing work, and anyone who would like to enjoy their own life more.”

Eve Derooy, LMP, CCST

"A very powerful learning for me is that ‘negative thoughts come from a biology that's trying to keep an already negative-bias system stable, and therefore stuck.’ It just feels like I've got hope for turning this around now. As I told a friend yesterday: this course feels like ‘my way out.’ And it's all so ‘simple.’"

Natasha S., EOTC Alumni

"Organic Intelligence has been an absolute life changer for me personally and for my career. It’s a framework for living your life in a way that’s meaningful and joyful. I feel so empowered to know that this scientifically grounded magic comes from my own biology! I’m astounded by the results and how fast they’ve come!"

Craig Deuchar
Voice, Presence and Trauma Healing Coach

"OI and Steve's approach has been a massive boon and blessing in my personal and professional life. There's more ease and wellbeing, more play (!), more fun, more energy and flow, and less suffering. My clients and students are also benefitting as I gain clarity, presence, coherence, and skills, and show them the way toward wellbeing."

Danny Cohen, Mindfulness Instructor & Coach

Steven Hoskinson

Founder of Organic Intelligence®

Steve created the End of Trauma Course (EOTC) to help people understand and experience healing. He is an internationally recognized trauma educator and mentor, and the founder of Organic Intelligence. He has trained thousands of trauma therapists and teachers over the past 20 years, teaches in Somatic Psychology at JFK University, and gives invited addresses at major conferences worldwide. Steve’s Organic Intelligence approach is taught around the world, including in the OI Coach Certification program, Dr. Mark Hyman’s “Broken Brain” docu-series, and for meditation teacher training at Spirit Rock. Steve is also host of the End of Trauma Podcast...and loves gardening.

Next Cohort Begins January 5, 2025

Move from states of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm to ease, presence, and growth.


3 Payments of $665 or 1 Payment of $1995

Continuing Education (16 CEs)

16 Continuing Education Credits are Available. EOTC is a personal development course with learning integrated for professional development. 16 Credits are available for psychologists, marriage & family therapists, professional counselors, addiction professionals, social workers, and nurses. After you enroll in the End Of Trauma Course, you will have the opportunity to purchase 16 CE credits for $45 and receive access to the EOTC Professional Skills course. To receive credit, watch the videos included in the Professional Skills course and take the post-test at the end. Take the test in the year you need your CE credits. Continuing Education credit for this program is awarded by Amedco LLC.


50% Complete

Be the First to Know When the End of Trauma Course is Open for Registration! 

The next cohort of the End of Trauma Course begins in Fall 2024.

By signing up for this invite list, you'll be among the first to know when the End of Trauma Course opens for registration.